Matthew 25:40

40"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'


Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Africa 2008

Here these boys carry 3 or 4 water jugs back home. This is the primary chore for the children. They get water in the mornings and afternoons. Some have to walk 1 mile to the shallow well. These boys are blessed to have the bike to tie the jugs to, most have to carry 2 at a time. The jugs are 5 gallons = 40lbs each! Can you imagine. I tried to carry one, just one, and I could barely lift it. These are small children doing this work.
These school children look through the door at the "Monzungos", white skins, who were visiting. They were perfectly quiet and just stared at us. Some of them had never seen white skins before. We scared plenty of babies on this trip, they think we are ghosts! This is one of my favorite pictures.

In Kassangombe, the children use whatever they can find to cover their heads when it is raining. Here these children walk to school with plastic covering them. They didn't even have shoes. Some walked with no shoes, no jacket, no covering.

Charles is the child we sponsor. It was wonderful seeing him again. His mother almost knocked me down when she saw me coming down the road to their home. She came running and jumped at me! It was like something out of a movie. I was able to meet his 2 sisters and give them all gifts. They also sent gifts with me. It was bitter-sweet since I do not know if I will ever see him again. We do send letters back and forth to keep in touch. His smile says everything.

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