Matthew 25:40

40"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'


Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Nathan's Glasses

Nathan was so glad to finally get his glasses! He got them the afternoon of the 1st day of school. On the way home from the eye dr he was talking about how he could now see the shape of the leaves on the trees! It made me feel sad that he had been missing that all this time. So now they both have them and I am so confused! For the past year I have been able to tell them apart right away, even from behind. That 1st night I was getting to mixed up and it was freaking me out completely. I am back to just calling a name and seeing who turns around. They are very understanding of their poor mama. I am thankful that the boys don't mind wearing glasses. They both want to get sport goggles to wear for football and basketball. More on that later.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

School 2008


Nathan (he got glasses the very next day)


I can't believe I have an 8th grader, and 2 5th graders!! Where did all the time go? They were all excited to start back this year. They have great teachers and we are very thankful for that blessing!

Summer 2008

Stephen on the pier in Carolina Beach. A trip he was very thankful to be on with us!
Nathan, Andrew, Courtney, and Stephen enjoying the baby pool. They spent as much time there with Andrew as they did the big pool. He was in hog heaven.

Our friend's daughter Lexie spent the day with us and went swimming.

Cheerwine commercial

My boys on Folley Beach, one of my favorite beaches.

We had a fantastic summer. It was nice having Danny around, especially since he is now gone during the weeks. Since we spend our free time at the beach and pool, here are some pictures. Enjoy!