Matthew 25:40

40"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Hanging Rock, NC

So last October we went up to Hanging Rock with Paula and Andrew. The leaves were amazing, we loved it so much we skipped church the next Sunday and went back with Danny. So this year we went up again on Vet's day. We headed up and took a lunch with us. We did 2 new trails and waterfalls. The leaves were not as good as last year, a lot of them had already fallen. So as we were getting ready to leave, Danny pulled the my keys out of his pocket and all he had was the remote to the van!! Courtney had gone back to the van to put away her lunch, and apparently when she handed him back the keys, my van key came off the ring. We searched the area where we had eaten, but it was not there. So I had to go into the office and call my mom to rescue us. She went by our house, got the extra set of keys and drove them up to us!! Brownie points big time for mom. As she arrived 1 1/2 hour later, the office staff came to let us know that 2 hikers had turned in my key about 20 mins earlier! We were relieved to have my key back and it is just a funny story now. Note to self: from now on, I keep the keys in my pocket and trust no one! LOL

Fall Leaf Traditions



Leaves at Deep River Friends

Double Trouble, Double Blessing


Every fall since the twins were born, we have gone and taken pictures at a local church. The kids are a little big for it now, and just go along with it. Afterall, that's what traditions are all about. So here are a few pictures from this year. I hope you enjoy! The oldest picture I have on my computer is from 2002, look at how small the kids are!

Saturday, November 15, 2008


We finally went to see the movie Fireproof. I had heard so much about it and it lived up to it's name. I cried on and off the entire movie. If you have ever gone through a rough patch in your marriage you can relate to this movie. Some of the acting was a bit cheesy (Danny struggled with that) but the message is so valuable. God intended for our marriages to last forever. I loved the salt and pepper analogy (you'll have to see the movie). What a great visual. Although the movie has been very popular, we were one of only 2 couples in the whole theater! It was cool to laugh as load as I wanted and talk w/ Danny about scenes without disturbing anyone.

Please go see the movie!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Cardboard Testimonies

Ok, I am not sure if this will work or not but I will give it a try.
At church on Sunday they showed a video that really touched me. These people are on stage with cardboard signs that tell of a problem and then they flip it over and it tells where God has brought them. Some are common, some are cute, and others will burst open your heart. I hope you will watch the video, it last for 8 minutes or so. We all have something that God has brought us through and made us whole again. Some of us may still be struggling with something, this is proof of the mighty God we serve.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Happy Halloween

After much debate about going out this year, the kids had a great time trick or treating. Stephen had said all year he was not going out, he wanted to stay home and give out candy. Even at our Trunk or Treat at church he enjoyed giving out the candy the most. At the last minute he changed his mind. Courtney dressed up as a rainbow, Stephen a boy scout (he couldn't come up w/ anything) and Nathan a skelaton. Danny took them out this year since I was at the Women of Faith Conference. Our good friends the Cutchin family come over and all the kids went out. They have a son the same age as my boys and he was also a skelaton this year, so him and Nathan looked like the twins. The girls also dressed alike (after much, much, much discussion) 13 year olds you just have to love 'em. They all got plenty of candy that I can't wait to get my hands into :)

As for the conference, it was great. Great speakers and awesome music (Natalie Grant, Nicole C. Mullen). I was volunteering for World Vision helping to get children sponsored and that was a blessing for me. We had over 350 children sponsored. I got to talk about my 2 trips to Uganda and show my pictures, what's not to love! One lady even got all teary eyed looking at my pictures. I plan to help them again next year when they return to GSO. Maybe one of these years I will actually get to work for World Vision for real! You never know what God has in store but He has certainly given me a strong desire to do whatever I can for the families of Uganda, Africa.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

I've Been Tagged!

Ok, my friend Cheryl tagged me so that I would post something on my blog!

I am so new to this blogging stuff and it is exciting to have been tagged.

1. Growing up I always wanted to have twins, not sure why. I thought I wanted twin girls, thank God he gave me twin boys. Which is funny because as soon as I found out I was having twins, the only thing I wanted was for it NOT to be twin boys! Now of course, I wouldn't trade them boys for anything.

2. I love Duke, even though my family loves Wake. Football season, not so much fun, but then we always have basketball to look to! Go Duke!

3. My idea of a perfect vacation would be sitting on the beach watching the waves roll in, with a book in one hand and a fruity drink in the other.

4. I sleep with a teddy bear Danny gave to me, his name is Wilson (from the movie Cast Away)

5. I love to listen to music, very loudly. I sing at the top of my lungs. It is therapy for me. It can lift my spirits no matter what kind of day I have had. My favorite is Contemporary Christian, but I listen to many different types depending on my mood.

6. I have been to Uganda, Africa twice with World Vision. It was an experiance I will cherish for the rest of my life. It has opened my eyes to the blessing I have of being born in the USA. The things I saw changed my life forever. The families I met, including the child I sponsor, were so generous. They know the meaning of hospitality and hope and they live it everyday. They fully rely on God for all their needs and they are content happy, so very happy. How many of us can say that? I will go again someday and my kids will go with me.

7. I am a proud 12 year member of the cult called scrapbooking. I have many albums completed and many in the works. I seriously love it. I have more stickers than should be allowed to any one person.

That was hard for me. I can talk about my kids no problem, but talking about myself is much harder.

Since I am new at tisI don't know 7 bloggers so I will tag the ones I know:

Dana (my sis-n-law she will do great at this)

Mel (fellow cult member and book club friend)
Jenn (sis-n-law in Denver, newest member of the cult)
Have Gals!