Matthew 25:40

40"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Hanging Rock, NC

So last October we went up to Hanging Rock with Paula and Andrew. The leaves were amazing, we loved it so much we skipped church the next Sunday and went back with Danny. So this year we went up again on Vet's day. We headed up and took a lunch with us. We did 2 new trails and waterfalls. The leaves were not as good as last year, a lot of them had already fallen. So as we were getting ready to leave, Danny pulled the my keys out of his pocket and all he had was the remote to the van!! Courtney had gone back to the van to put away her lunch, and apparently when she handed him back the keys, my van key came off the ring. We searched the area where we had eaten, but it was not there. So I had to go into the office and call my mom to rescue us. She went by our house, got the extra set of keys and drove them up to us!! Brownie points big time for mom. As she arrived 1 1/2 hour later, the office staff came to let us know that 2 hikers had turned in my key about 20 mins earlier! We were relieved to have my key back and it is just a funny story now. Note to self: from now on, I keep the keys in my pocket and trust no one! LOL

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