Matthew 25:40

40"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'


Sunday, November 2, 2008

I've Been Tagged!

Ok, my friend Cheryl tagged me so that I would post something on my blog!

I am so new to this blogging stuff and it is exciting to have been tagged.

1. Growing up I always wanted to have twins, not sure why. I thought I wanted twin girls, thank God he gave me twin boys. Which is funny because as soon as I found out I was having twins, the only thing I wanted was for it NOT to be twin boys! Now of course, I wouldn't trade them boys for anything.

2. I love Duke, even though my family loves Wake. Football season, not so much fun, but then we always have basketball to look to! Go Duke!

3. My idea of a perfect vacation would be sitting on the beach watching the waves roll in, with a book in one hand and a fruity drink in the other.

4. I sleep with a teddy bear Danny gave to me, his name is Wilson (from the movie Cast Away)

5. I love to listen to music, very loudly. I sing at the top of my lungs. It is therapy for me. It can lift my spirits no matter what kind of day I have had. My favorite is Contemporary Christian, but I listen to many different types depending on my mood.

6. I have been to Uganda, Africa twice with World Vision. It was an experiance I will cherish for the rest of my life. It has opened my eyes to the blessing I have of being born in the USA. The things I saw changed my life forever. The families I met, including the child I sponsor, were so generous. They know the meaning of hospitality and hope and they live it everyday. They fully rely on God for all their needs and they are content happy, so very happy. How many of us can say that? I will go again someday and my kids will go with me.

7. I am a proud 12 year member of the cult called scrapbooking. I have many albums completed and many in the works. I seriously love it. I have more stickers than should be allowed to any one person.

That was hard for me. I can talk about my kids no problem, but talking about myself is much harder.

Since I am new at tisI don't know 7 bloggers so I will tag the ones I know:

Dana (my sis-n-law she will do great at this)

Mel (fellow cult member and book club friend)
Jenn (sis-n-law in Denver, newest member of the cult)
Have Gals!

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